I know I know, I said I would update better this time, but you know how it goes, time gets away from you, kids grow, vacation time starts and ends, school starts again, holidays come and go and still time keeps on going, how does that happen? In the blink of an eye your little babies are starting kindergarten, one is graduating this year and all you can do is look back and sigh at how fast time is passing.
Just a little update, my grandpa did pass away on April 29, 2012. It was extremely difficult, and very painful just like I knew it was. Some family grew closer together and some grew further apart. Some blame was thrown around and finally with some time, things have calmed down and are starting to get back to normal. It was no ones fault, no one is to blame, it just happens when someone you love dearly passes away and all you can do is wait for more time to pass so things can be ok again, even though they are never back to 100%.
This year has brought a lot of changes, Haley started her senior year, although it wasn't like she ever ended her junior and started her senior year. She spent the first week of summer at Disney with band, the next 5 weeks at college, and the rest of the summer at the high school doing community service, meetings and work up at the school getting it ready for this school year, so like I said, she never really stopped school this summer.
Taylor started 8th grade this year. She is starting vollyball this year. Her summer was spent the way any kid spends summer, laying around, sleeping all day, staying up all night and watching TV continually. The way I spent my summers. You couldn't pay me to take college classes and do work all summer at the school.
Rebecca and Sam moved to Austin with their dad. I still haven't fully come to terms with it. This is really hard for me to not be there for their first day of school, to go to their meet the teacher day, not go to their performances or anything like that. I am still very bitter and angry that my ex did that without talking to me about it. I just take the time I can with them, at least I got to spend most of the summer with them, and now I am just waiting for their excited call after their first day of 7th and 5th grade to find out how much they love their teacher and how many new friends they made.
Sierra and Ella started homeschool kindergarten and pre-k today. Our first day. Got them up early, started working on the letter "A", they made angels, colored pictures, practiced writing the letter A, worked on other letters and we did about a half a day. For the first day of school they did pretty good. They were very attentive, worked really hard and were so excited when they did it right. I wasn't sure about homeschooling them, I knew I wanted to, but I think I psyched myself out about it and I am so glad that I decided to do it because I would be missing out on the excitement of them drawing an A perfect for the very first time. It is awesome to have total control of what they learn and how fast. I think this is going to work!!
Jimmy and I celebrate 7 years married next month! We are going away this weekend to San Antonio, he is surprising me with a night out just the two of us. It is so important that we do this every once in a while. It keeps us remembering what it was like before we had 6 kids around all the time (or most of the time anyway). I think that is something that a lot of marriages lack, one on one time, time to be husband and wife, not mom and dad.
Well I better close for now, I am being poked with a pen by Sierra and Ella who have decided they have played enough and they want to do more school! I will try to post more often.
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