Tonight we took our youth group to Christ For the Nations. It was awesome!! For those of you who don't know, Christ For the Nations is a bible college in Dallas. They offer something called Tuesday Night Experience, they open the college for anyone who wants to come and listen to amazing worship music (a lot of the music graduates end up with awesome music careers in the Christian music industry), and awesome guest speakers who always give such a new look on things.
Tonight the guest speaker was from San Antonio, his name was Warren Beamer. He had long hair, was originally from Lousiana, and was cracking jokes. It was so nice to hear him talk about Jesus like he was his best friend. He was telling us about Luke 14:11, the story of the 10 lepers. Anyone who doesn't know this story, here is my paraphrase of the story. Jesus is on the road and comes upon 10 men with leperacy. They see Jesus and ask him to heal their leperacy, and He does, when He heals them He tells them to go tell the priest that they have been healed, so they run off to tell the priest, and one turns back and goes to Jesus and drops to the ground and hugs Jesus' feet and thanks him for healing him. Jesus asks him "weren't there 10 of you? Where did the other 9 go? Your faith has healed you." And the man with leperacy goes and is completely healed.
Pastor Warren was explaining what the process of looking for leperacy was, how the doctors were more concerned with a small spot than someone who had a large spot becuase the large spot was the effect of your body fighting off the infection, and the person with the large spot knew that they were infected, they were very concerned with the person with the smallest spot because on the inside it was huge. The same way that sin is in our lives, the person with the small sin doesn't think that they really need any help because it is something small, and they don't realize that there is anything festering inside their soul, and the person who is the addict, the prostitute, the alcoholic who sees that they have a problem that is huge realizes that they need the help. It really hit home with a lot of the kids in our group who have come from homes with people who have the huge sin and realize they need the help. He went on to explain that Jesus stopped what he was doing to heal 10 lepers. If he would stop what he is doing to heal 10 people who have leperacy, why wouldn't he stop to help you?
I wish I could remember everything that was said, and if I can find the video online I will post it because it was an awesome message that hit home with a lot of our youth, and with some of the adults that went with us as well. Hopefully some people took some of this home with them and will really put some thought into what was being said and how it effects their lives in a major way.
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